Version française

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  Popular links:


  Atlas des oiseaux
  nicheurs du Québec


  Bird Links
  Trip Reports

  Liste annotée des
  oiseaux des


    Photos de la bannière
    par Bill Schmoker

General Information


Bird Monitoring Projects

This section contains links to projects in which you can take part by reporting your bird observations. Some are free, others entail a registration fee, which are used to cover the costs of material, data processing, etc.

Birdwatching Sites, Regional Sites and Activities

Birding Clubs

Les liens vers les clubs d'ornithologie sont maintenant sur la page des clubs.

Other Links

Links to other bird web sites in Québec

Please also visit Bird Links to the World, the most complete list of bird-related links currently available on the web (around 30,000 sites!), and Avibase, an extensive site on the taxonomy of the birds of the world, which includes checklists for all countries and regions of the world in several languages.

Number of hits since 9 February 1996

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